Kids these days are complicated, facing pressures and need more than love
Some things are too big, too heavy, too hard and too much for all of us, including our kids. There’s nothing simple or automatic about growing up and understanding one’s self—most of us work at it our entire lives. At MHS, we tailor DBT to fit young people and your young person. It’s not DBT-lite, it’s DBT-appropriate.
We separate our adolescent DBT program by two age groups:
Subscribe to receive the Caregiver Newsletter from MHS. Designed to support anyone parenting a teen with mental illness, not just our client families. Our goal is to share information about DBT, upcoming events, and general parenting tips. If you would like to receive the newsletter, sign-up below:
Caregiver Education Series
MHS offers monthly webinars for families parenting teens with mental illness. Each month participants will learn about a topic and ways to apply and generalize skills to enhance their experience as the caregiver. Caregiver Education webinars are generally held the third Wednesday of every month and are open to the public.
For those experiencing intense emotions, unmanagable distress, and relationship difficulties. DBT is an evidence-based treatment that provides effective coping skills to manage depression, anxiety, and other emotion-based difficulties.
Virtu-Clinic: Virtual connecting with real results
Nearly all of our programs are available online via our Virtu-Clinic. This option allows you to receive our evidence-based programs in the convenience of your home. Same therapists and clients—just shrunk down to screen size.
Business Hours at Our Adolescent DBT Center in Edina
If you are looking for an adolescent counseling and therapy program in Edina you can reach out to us during our business hours which are detailed below. If you would like additional information on our adolescent therapy programs for DBT or other mental health services we offer, contact us today.