Hurt has no age limit

Early adolescent DBT Therapy for Teens

If your child is between the ages of 12 and 14

And struggling with emotional regulation (or dysregulation) and behavioral challenges, MHS may be able to help.

We offer Early Adolescent DBT, a treatment model using elements of cognitive-behavioral therapy to address a range of mental health concerns. Kids attend two sessions per week, and caregivers attend once per week to gain a greater understanding of how to help their son or daughter. Our schedules are designed to fit the needs of working caregivers.


We understand how hard it is to watch your child struggle, many of us aslo have children, and we know how to help. If your child is 14, the intake assessment will determine which adolescent program is the best fit for them.


Meets twice weekly online via our Virtu-Clinic
Once weekly caregiver involvement

Each program day includes DBT Skills Training for both children and caregivers, problem-solving time for children, plus support and problem-solving for caregivers.

Why DBT for young teens?

Through a combination of mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness, DBT leads young adults through the process of making long-lasting and meaningful changes in their lives. The goal is to give young people the skills to self-manage through periods of intense or painful emotions. DBT is available to treat early adolescents, and adolescents.

How Long Does the DBT Program Last?

The length of the treatment program varies by patient, disorder, and goals. Teens attend for as long as necessary to achieve results. Every young person starts with a comprehensive evaluation to determine if DBT is the right fit; from there, our team of therapists will lay out a comprehensive treatment plan. If you are already seeing a therapist who doesn’t practice DBT, we are happy to work with the person so your child doesn’t have to stop seeing someone with whom he/she/they is already comfortable. No child should suffer within.

It’s never too early to change the story

Call to schedule a needs assessment.

Call Us 952-835-2002