Therapy for Psychotic Disorders in the Twin Cities

Envision wellness for adults with psychotic disorders

See yourself and feel yourself becoming more...


Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder and other psychotic conditions cloud the mind and impair one’s potential to thrive. Vision helps clients manage symptoms, create a higher quality of life, enjoy wellness through sustained recovery, and see their way into a better place.

Become a Visionary

Vision adapts the Illness Management and Recovery (IMR) curriculum focusing on self-advocacy, building social supports, goal-setting and attainment, symptom control, and relapse prevention.

  • Program meets twice a week at our Woodbury, MN location.
  • As always, MHS coordinates with your other health providers.

Connect with MHS and take a closer look into how Vision can help you visualize and realize a life of possibility and joy.

Restart a life interrupted

Mental health symptoms often occur when individuals are stepping into their adult lives. This is when you discover that yours is a more challenging path to travel, as you struggle to cope with thoughts and feelings that often make no sense to others. Vision provides a dynamic route through the realities of your mental health disorder, and the insightful tools to deal with them. Having a better understanding of your disorder and how it impacts you is critical. Vision allows you to learn the lessons of life that were interrupted. These lessons become skills needed to succeed, and form supportive, lifetime relationships. Our Vision program can be a revelation on your journey.

Get Help Via Our Virtu-Clinic if Your Not Local to the Twin Cities

If you have trouble making it to one of our locations here in the Twin Cities area but still need assistance and therapy for psychotic disorders, we offer an online virtu-clinic as well. Learn more and get in touch with us to answer any of your questions.

Create a new Vision of you

Call to schedule a needs assessment.

Call Us 952-835-2002