MHS DBT Program Attendance Policy
Apr 29, 2024
Consistent attendance is necessary for DBT programming to be effective for you and other program members. Attendance, timeliness, and consistency are also life skills.
Attendance Expectations
It is expected that program members attend all programming sessions. Please schedule other appointments around your DBT programming. The policy allows for absences for illness, emergencies, and other causes; there are no “excused” absences.
If you miss more than 1 session in 6, you will be put on an attendance contract. A discussion regarding barriers to attendance will occur which could include members of your treatment team as needed. While on an attendance contract you must attend 5 of the next 6 sessions to end the attendance contract. If you miss more than 1 of 6 sessions while on an attendance contract you will be put on a discharge contract and barriers to attendance will be discussed with all who can help you succeed. Like the attendance contract, you must attend 5/6 of these sessions. If you miss more than one of those 6 sessions, you can be discharged from the program and cannot reapply until the barriers to attendance have been successfully addressed. The goal of all contracts is to support success in programming.
Further Expectations
At the discretion of the program, allowances for circumstances beyond a person’s control will be considered prior to discharge. For this to occur documentation of the cause of the absence may be required.
You are responsible for keeping your therapist and the program informed if you have to miss your program session. Always call before programming if you will be absent.
Three consecutive absences without phone calls will be grounds for discharge.
If you are late to an individual therapy session, depending on your history of tardiness and the availability of the therapist, your session could be canceled or rescheduled.
Three instances of tardiness, in a short period of time, count as an absence. A tardy is returning late after break or arriving late for the start of programming.
A Leave of Absence (LOA) may be granted at the discretion of the therapist/treatment team and must be planful with a clear time-limit. It is your responsibility to contact your therapist and team during an LOA. Documentation to support a LOA may be required.