Sharing our knowledge and experience
Through local, regional, national, and even international presentations regarding the work we do.
MHS staff and leadership participate in local advocacy groups with the mission to better serve the needs of people of our region. Some examples of this participation include membership in the Mental Health Legislative Network, professional association legislative and other committees, membership in the Minnesota Board of Behavioral Health, and leadership of a mental health focused Political Action Committee to name a few.
Uganda clinic
We are actively supporting the efforts of a former MHS practicum student in the creation of a much-needed mental health clinic in the Uganda capital city of Kampala. We have provided both material as well as ongoing consultative support as she moves forward with this venture.
Creating better ways
MHS has in its DNA the drive to create new and better ways to serve the needs of our community. To that end, each of our programs came to be because of a need in the community. MHS continues on that path.
Additionally, we are looking for ways to participate in and influence the conversation about health care and health care reform. This has most recently taken place in the form of a series of presentations to national leaders in Managed Care on the ways in which mental and behavioral health can play a pivotal role in creating better more effective health care systems.